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How Your Remote Working Can Provide Accurate Transcripts

Transcription: An Accurate Record of Your Video and Conference Calls

COVID-19 restrictions mean organisations are looking again at the way they do business, including most importantly how they communicate with their collaborators, customers, partners, and employees. Almost overnight, face-to-face contact has been replaced by video or telephone conference calls. In just three months, the number of users worldwide of digital applications like Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams has soared. Information and ideas are being shared in completely new ways – but how can you make sure important content is captured accurately and not lost? Keeping a note during a video meeting or conference call is time-consuming and can be distracting. Participants’ interpretations afterwards may not align. Transcription can help. We offer a range of services, currently all provided by our skilled, experienced technicians, transcribers, quality assurance specialists, and team leaders working from home. Our core services are:
  • Verbatim transcription – includes every word, plus non-verbal responses, for example head shaking or nodding, as well as noises, hesitations, repetitions, or false starts.
  • Intelligent verbatim transcription – as accurate as verbatim but with all non-verbal content and fillers removed.
  • Summary transcription – draws out the salient points from the audio or video recording, ‘tidying up’ the language to convey the meaning in a shorter, easier to read format.
For these three services, we transcribe from a video or audio recording and can also advise on best practices if necessary. If a recording is not possible, we can provide a note-taker who will join your meeting to note down everything that is said in real time. We also offer language services, including translation and foreign language transcription, so even if you are dealing with speakers of other languages your content can still be captured accurately.

Flexible Transcription Services During COVID-19

In these exceptional times, organisations from all sectors, including transcription, are exploring new ways of operating. At Appen, we stand ready to support clients requiring notes or official written records as part of their potentially new remote working regime. Much of our transcription work is already carried out by home-based transcribers and quality checkers. Information is shared and processed according to strict security standards, with members of staff vetted as required.

Maintaining In-House Levels of Security for Home-Based Transcription

Like everyone else, our in-house team has transitioned to home-based arrangements, enabling our clients to access most of our secure services. Many of our security-cleared employees, usually based at our in-house facility in Exeter, are now working securely from home. Their equipment is all Appen-owned and approved, they connect via a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and no data leaves our network at any time. Many of our existing clients are already using this service, including those from the public sector, academia, and the police, and our high standards of accuracy, flexibility, and value for money are unchanged. These are testing times, and some organisations will find changing the way they operate a challenge. Transcription providers, accustomed to a home-based model, are well-placed to adapt their services where necessary, and provide essential support to customers both old and new. For more information on our flexible, secure, home-based transcription services please contact: enquiries.exeter@appen.com
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