1. Exercise more often and eat a healthier diet
According to a recent survey, the most common resolution for 2019 is to eat healthier and get into a fitness routine. This is much easier to do when you work from home. Without the temptation of restaurant food for lunch or co-workers bringing snacks into the office break room, you can stick to your meal plan by cooking nutritious food in your own kitchen. And without a lengthy commute, you’ll have more time to exercise. You can work out when you have the most energy, whether that be in the morning, at lunch, or in the afternoon after work. Designing your own workout schedule will set you up for success.2. Save more money
Remote jobs offer the ability to save money. You’ll use less gas in your car, you won’t have to pay for parking at work, and you can make your own meals—and brew your own coffee—at home.3. Finish school
Work-from-home jobs create more room in your daily schedule. This means you can go to classes, take online courses, and study without falling behind on your work or feeling too exhausted to finish.