Discuss Communication Methods Early
When shifting to a remote work approach, it’s important to speak with your manager about how you plan on staying in touch throughout the day and week. This discussion should include which communication tools you’ll use and how often you’ll check in. Obviously, it’s crucial for employees to reach out to managers any time they feel they have essential updates to share or questions to ask, but it’s also necessary to discuss whether the manager and employee plan on scheduling regular weekly or biweekly sessions in which they cover general progress. Having an established communication schedule ensures everyone is on the same page. You should also ask your manager what types of situations warrant reaching out. Flooding your manager’s inbox with emails every single time you complete a task may do more harm than good. On the other hand, if you don’t reach out to them with information that may be valuable, they may not have a clear sense of how far along you are in your work. Taking the time to make these plans before you start working remotely helps to safeguard against confusion in the future.
Consider Email Alternatives
When discussing communication tools, the goal should be to find alternatives to email. The average employee already spends approximately two and a half hours each day reading and sending emails. managers and managers often spend even more time sorting through their inboxes each day. Productivity can suffer if email is the sole communication tool you rely on to get in touch with your manager.
Prevent this by looking into chat or collaboration software that allows work-from-home employees to stay in regular contact with managers without sending emails constantly. You should also discuss whether important reports, charts, and documents may be more easily shared via a wiki or whitepaper.
In an office setting, you might share these documents with all relevant managers and coworkers by simply printing them out and handing them copies. Out of the office, you may feel you should email these documents when they’re prepped and ready.
That’s not necessarily the best option. Uploading them to a drive that all relevant employees can access allows you to share crucial information without flooding anyone’s inboxes or taxing company resources.
Organize a Hierarchy
When companies begin to allow employees to work from home, it’s not uncommon for multiple team members to start working remotely at the same time. You probably won’t be the only one on your team or even in your department who will be working outside of the office. Thus, you might suggest that your manager arrange a team meeting with the goal of establishing a hierarchy for communication. After all, there will be instances in which it is necessary to send emails. You want to make sure you’re not CCing people for whom those messages are not immediately relevant. Instead, you may only need to send a particular email to one or two team members who will be in a position to determine whether its contents need to be shared with others. This hierarchy should be clear. You might even consider illustrating it in the form of a flowchart or similar visual and keeping it with you at your work desk. That way, you always know who you should email (and who you shouldn’t) when you have updates to share or questions to ask.Be Thorough
Again, if you’re not sharing an office with your manager, you’ll have limited opportunities to get in touch with them throughout the day. That’s why it’s important to be as thorough as possible when you are communicating with each other. Carefully read over all emails you plan on sending to ensure you’ve included all necessary information. Throughout the week, take notes about issues you would like to discuss during your scheduled check-ins. If you’re not thorough, you may find yourself reaching out to your manager and other team members excessively, as you remember important details you may have omitted from an email or previous discussion. This is a waste of your time, as well as theirs.Don’t Rely Solely on Digital Communication
Technology certainly makes it easier for teams that don’t share an office to keep in touch. However, face-to-face communication is still important for very practical reasons. A recent survey indicates younger employees prefer to communicate with coworkers and managers via digital tools. The problem is, older employees are often less comfortable with this method of communication. They would prefer some degree of face time. Thus, you shouldn’t rely exclusively on new communication tools to maintain contact with team members. You also need to speak with them in a real-world setting every now and then. If you live close enough to your office, talk with your manager about scheduling monthly in-person meetings to have general discussions about your progress and future goals. It’s also smart to participate in company events whenever possible. This provides an additional opportunity to converse with team members face-to-face. That said, if you live far away from the office, this may not be practical. Instead of assuming face time is out of the question, schedule video conferences. While they may not be as effective at facilitating natural conversation as in-person meetings, they’re still useful and necessary if you’re working remotely.Proofread
Not everyone communicates well through written language. This may not seem like a major weakness in an office setting. When you have the opportunity to communicate with team members and managers face-to-face throughout the day, you might not feel you need to concern yourself with improving your writing skills. When you work from home, however, you will likely be relying on email, chat, and other text-based forms of communication to a much greater degree. That means proofreading your emails carefully is essential. Don’t merely look for typing errors and grammar mistakes. Yes, it’s important to catch these, but it’s also important to make sure your emails are clear. In person, your words are not the only factor people notice when you speak with them. Your body language can convey meaning. If you’re discussing a particular project, you might nonverbally indicate a specific document to let someone know you’re referring to it. Even your tone of voice can play a role in helping someone understand what you’re telling them. You can’t rely on those factors when sending emails or chat messages. Your text is the sole factor a person can look to in order to determine what you’re expressing. Thus, you want to make sure your emails are as clear as possible. This ties back to the point about being thorough. Details you might omit or express non-verbally during a face-to-face conversation should be included in emails to ensure absolute clarity.