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Data Protection for Video Evidence

Body Worn Cameras (BWC) and the video evidence they provide has been a game changer for the Criminal Justice System in the UK. Highly charged situations can affect a person’s ability to recall events with certainty, and the camera is proving to be a reliable impartial witness. As the use of these cameras has had positive results for agencies like the police force, the UK Fire Services seek to gain similar benefits from the technology. Liz Griffiths, Business Development Manager in the United Kingdom, recently attended the National Fireman’s Council Research and Development Body Worn Conference in the UK. BWC was the main topic of conversation, but a concern that was raised was data protection — how to ensure that personal data was not compromised in the use of these cameras. Challenges for data protection and legislation were highlighted by a speaker from the Information Commissions Office. While the cameras act as an independent witness and capture key data, recordings may also include the identification of people not connected with the incident, private conversations, and other circumstantial information. These could compromise the security of an individual, operation, or physical building. Redaction, editing, censoring, or obscuring part of recording could be required via specialist software and appropriately trained staff. Appen helps solve these challenges. Not only can we transcribe audio and video files quickly and effectively, but we can also capture specific body language to help achieve best evidence. Our clients, including government agencies, police forces, and local authorities, trust Appen to provide secure transcription services. With our secure facilities and operations certified to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards, quality service and data security is guaranteed. Contact us to discuss your secure transcription needs today.
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