Platform Overview

The most advanced AI-assisted data annotation platform


Confidently Deploy Machine Learning Products With Our Platform

The Appen platform combines human intelligence from over one million people all over the world with cutting-edge models to create the highest-quality training data for your ML projects. Upload your data to our platform and we provide the annotations, judgments, and labels you need to create accurate ground truth for your models.

Our Platform Includes:

Data Annotation Capabilities

High-quality data annotation is key for training any AI/ML model successfully. After all, this is how your model learns what judgments it should be making. Our platform combines human intelligence at scale with cutting-edge models to annotate all sorts of raw data, from text, to video, to images, to audio, to create the accurate ground truth needed for your models.

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Enterprise Capabilities

With over a decade of experience and 10+ billion judgments, our enterprise-ready data annotation platform delivers unprecedented quality and scale across a diverse set of industries and use cases. For large companies, we deliver enterprise solutions and multiple deployment options to support your robust business requirements.

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Smart Labeling

Run your data annotation and collection projects using machine learning models that automate and improve productivity, quality, and delivery throughout the training data preparation journey.


Workflows allows customers to build and automate multistep data annotation projects with ease. Customers now have access to a real data pipeline solution that reduces latency and increases efficiency via automated data routing.

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Customers Running World-Class AI


Delivering Confidence for your AI Projects

Our ADAP platform and skilled project management capabilities use multiple quality control methods and mechanisms to meet and exceed quality standards for training data.
Our platform and services are purpose- built to handle large scale data collection and annotation projects, on demand. Our platform's built-in MLA optimizes throughput and with deep expertise,  planning,  and recruiting to meet a variety of use cases, we can quickly ramp up new projects in new markets.
With a crowd of over one million skilled contributors operating in 170+ countries and 235+ languages and dialects, we can confidently collect, and label the high volumes of images, text, speech, audio and video data needed to build and improve AI systems.
We provide multiple secure platform and service offerings, secure, remote and on-site contributors, on-premises solutions, secure data access offerings and ISO 27001/ ISO 9001 accredited secure facilities.

Types of Annotation Capabilities We Offer

Image annotation servicesImage annotation


Data Types: Text, Image, Audio, Video, URL

Collect user-generated content and links from around the web including audio, images, and websites to help your data program. We support complex data use cases like in-car audio collection or text utterance collection for chatbot programs, as well as more straightforward image/audio collection and information extraction jobs.


Data Types: Text, Image, Audio, Video, URL, Point Cloud

Classify and categorize any kind of data on a massive scale using our annotation platform. Moderate and sort high volumes of content your users provide with precision. Common use cases include content moderation, sentiment analysis, search relevance, product classification, and object classification.


Data Types: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Point Cloud

Annotate images, text, videos, point clouds, and audio with one of our annotation tools. Whether it's a simple bounding box or segmentation of audio, we can support your annotation with our state of the art technology platform. We also support text labeling tools like NER and parts of speech labeling. Many of our tools feature machine learning assistance for greater efficiency and accuracy vs human annotation alone. Find what you need in our platform's template library.


Data Types: Image, Audio, Video

Transcribe documents, images of documents, or website information using a variety of services - whether it be a single field or multiple pages. We also offer audio transcription services to cater to scaling your natural language processing (NLP) and audio speech recognition (ASR) programs.  


Data Types: Text

We offer a crowd of over one million skilled contributors, with an offering of over 180 different languages. With a suite of specialized linguistic experts in-house, we are more than equipped to translate large volumes of data to reliably train your AI and ML models.

Secure Data Access

Data security requirements are met for customers working with personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), and other sophisticated compliance needs.

Enterprise-level security to protect sensitive client data


Secure Crowd

We offer a suite of secure service offerings with flexible options to ensure data security via secure facilities, secure remote workers, and onsite services to meet specific business­ needs.

Enterprise-level security to protect sensitive client data


Secure Facilities

We have sites in multiple geographies to support projects with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive data, as well as the right people, policies, and processes in place for a range of security levels, up to government level certification.

Enterprise-level security to protect sensitive client data


Secure Workspace

With our ISO 27001 accredited remote Secure Workspace solution, our global crowd can work on your sensitive projects remotely, without having to access a physical secure facility. This allows the diversity of our remote crowd to reduce bias and support multiple languages even through global disruptions.

Enterprise-level security to protect sensitive client data



Machine Learning
Platform Tour

Explore our cutting-edge annotation platform using the navigation available in the interactive tour. You will be able to see how you can create annotation jobs, define test questions and configure details all the way to launching the annotation job.

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Website for deploying AI with world class training data